Russia-Ukraine War: How many nasty prophecies have been confirmed as true?

 Russia-Ukraine War:

How many prophecies have been confirmed as true?

Some of the prophecies came out in extremely nasty ways. So much so that it was repeatedly rejected by a series of top political journals located in the USA, UK, the Netherlands, Turkey, and Norway. Unfortunately, they have been confirmed as true. Poor guys, humiliated by such nasty prophecies!

1. Ukraine may lose its country frame.

1.1 Ukraine will surely lose more territory than it had done before the war started. The bigger risk is that Ukraine may lose more territory, and even lose its country frame finally.  [2] June 18, 2022.

1.2 There is a high probability that Ukraine will split into several small pieces and become a powder keg for Europe.

2.  about main players in the war.  [2]. June 18, 2022

2.1 There are two inevitable losers, Ukraine and the EU.  [2]. June 18, 2022

2.2 Ukraine and the EU are not the main players as they had no military powers to start, continue, or stop this conflict with Russia.  [2]. June 18, 2022

2.3 The USA has been the biggest winner recently with at least 3 things: weakening Europe; weakening Russia; and creating a Ukrainian Trench to prevent Russia and Europe from approaching each other.  [2]. June 18, 2022

2.4 Russias economic system will not be destroyed by this war eventually because it is mainly composed of raw material suppliers.  [2]. June 18, 2022

3.  Local countries send their troops insides the war.

3.1 Ukraine must rely on economic and equipment support from USA and Europe, as well as troop support from the local countries.  [1] May 23, 2022.

3.2  If the war lasts for more than six months, there might be 3 to 7 European countries directly involving themselves in this war.  [2] June 18, 2022.

3.3  Once some local countries send their troops into Ukraine, that will result in the Somaliization of Ukraine. The worse condition is the possibility to repeat the script of Yugoslavias disintegration.  [1] May 23, 2022.
4.  Russia break up Ukraine.

4.1  The establishment of multiple local regimes dependent on Russia is also an important part.  [1] May 23, 2022.

4.2  Russia has to make a series of complex plans to deal with long-term pressure from the USA, including establishing about 7 autonomous local governments.  [1] May 23, 2022.

5. Europe hurt in chaos

5.1 The EU and Europe will be weakened by this war.  [1][2] May 23, 2022.

5.2  This is not a war for European long-term interests.  [2] June 18, 2022.

5.3  the Somaliization or Yugoslavization of Ukraine, would be a source of long-term instability in Europe.  [1] May 23, 2022.

5.4  Ukraine will become the birthplace of long-term unrest in the European core region.  [2] June 18, 2022.

5.5  The negative effects of a prolonged war are more in the heart of Europe than in Ukraine. The longer the war lasts, the greater the impact on the stability of European core.  [2] June 18, 2022.

5.6  Another worse and more far-reaching thing is that Europe has lost the prospect of becoming one of the world's top powers.    [2] June 18, 2022.

5.7  The biggest loss from the EU is its position as one of the top political players, and other countries no longer expect this outlook and support it.  [2] June 18, 2022.

6 about divided Europe.

6.1  Europe is divided to judge the Russia-Ukraine War. It is in the interest of the whole of Europe to set up a ceasefire line as soon as possible.  [1] May 23,2022.

6.2  For core European countries, stabilizing the situation as soon as possible is the first priority, no matter where the ceasefire line is.  [1] May 23,2022.

6.3  Some European countries fear long-term chaos in the region, but sadly, it seems that they are also incapable of responding properly.  [1] May 23,2022.

6.4  Some countries hope the war prolonged for their national interests.  [1] May 23,2022.

6.5  Russia wants to lure Europe to help stabilize ceasefire lines in this region. If the situation continues to deteriorate, Russia can also participate in or directly cause chaos in Europe.  [1] May 23,2022.

6.6  A sturdy Ukrainian Trench has been built. This ditch at least will prevent Russia from collaborating with Western Europe for the next 20 years, regardless of where the final ceasefire line is on.  [2] June 18, 2022.


7. about USA

The United States actually is the most powerful force in the battle of all parties. 

The overwhelming power to set up where and when the ceasefire line comes out is the United States only.

 1.  Three Possible Ceasefire Lines of Russia-Ukraine War.

2. Whose War? Players winning or losing in the Russia-Ukraine War. 

  Part 2:  Some predictions yet to be confirmed or in progress.

1. Before 2026, the battle will entangled mainly in central Ukraine zone.

Ukraine War Trend Imagination
Picture from

 1.  Three Possible Ceasefire Lines of Russia-Ukraine War.

2. Whose War? Players winning or losing in the Russia-Ukraine War. 

Ukraine War Trend Imagination

Picture from


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