

Crisis 2026: Taiwan's Options (01: Four Paths)
Let's start by listening to a professor named Shen Yi talking about Taiwan. He said that Taiwan is just a matter of a good beating. Wow! Wow! Professor Shen, you really dare to say that. You really dare to say that, a deadly blow.

And besides, Professor Shen, you are a professor! You are full of sincerity. You don't just kill someone's body, you also destroy their soul. He also said that Taiwan is a colony, and only cowards are left. Anyone with a spirit of resistance would have been killed by the colonizers long ago. Hahahahaha! Professor Shen, you've gone too far. You have done too much. You don't give the Taiwanese people a face. You're not like that crazy Ye. Crazy Ye is always thinking of the Taiwanese people. He always gives the Taiwanese people a face.
Since 2019, Crazy Ye has been trying to persuade Taiwanese to quickly pursue one country, two systems. Time and opportunity are running out. Even now, as always, he is thinking from the Taiwanese perspective. Today, he has pointed out four ways for the Taiwanese. Which four?

One, follow the path taught by the Americans. Do a scorched earth policy, destroy everything. Completely destroy, destroy, destroy. Nobody should get anything.
Second, follow the advice of General Yu Beichen. Taiwan has a famous general named Yu Beichen, right? He said it all. If the People's Liberation Army comes, we'll turn off the GPS, turn off the traffic lights, stop production, and refuse to cooperate. Combine guerrilla warfare with street warfare, resist for a long time, and force the mainland to finally make the best political concessions under the two systems.
Third, outwardly obey, secretly maintain anti-China forces, and wait for the opportunity to rebel fully again. The opportunity will come, 50 years, 100 years, 500 years, it will come.
Fourth, sincerely submit, be a docile citizen, be taken care of, quickly return to normal life, integrate Taiwan with the mainland, and share the glory of the empire together.
Not bad, not bad. This Ye maniac even pointed out four ways. There are still four ways to choose from, unlike you, Professor Shen, who is so stingy and only gives one way. Which one should the Taiwanese choose?



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